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Period Patterns 26

Period Patterns 26

Period Patterns number 26, Houpelandes, c. 1390-1460 A.D., has 6 houpelandes for either sex, with sleeves and necklines interchangeable.  The sleeves and cotehardie underneath are faked, but the fake sleeves can be left off and replaced by a cotehardie or a 2nd houpelande (sizes: woman's 8-18 & Men's 36-48 included)

Houpelandes were the last fashion which was found throughout Europe, as well as being the last unisex fashion.  This comfortable style, flowing from the shoulder to the hem, apparently first developed in Italy around 1380, but by 1400  was found throughout Europe. Belted or loose, houpelandes were usually worn over a cotehardie (Period Patterns nos. 21 & 23) ,a second houpelande with tight sleeves, a chemise (Period Patterns no. 90) ,or shirt (Period Patterns no. 43) and hose (Period Patterns no. 43 or 101).  

By 1450 there were many variations of this style, mostly of the sleeves, neckline.  Women's houpelandes were always floor-length, although men's houpelandes varied from very short to very long.  Only a few were limited by sex or geographical location.  By 1475 houpelandes were no longer considered fashionable (although still occasionally seen).  Men's cotehardies had developed into doublets, and the houpelande became a gown or robe often worn open down the front (Period Patterns #43 and 53). 

Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

Die Schnittmusteranleitung ist in Englisch.

Grösse = 34 - 44 (europ. Damengrössen) und 46 - 58 (europ. Herrengrössen)


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