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Suitability Childrens Western Show Blouses and Shirts

Suitability 3230

This pattern has a variety of shirts and blouses for girls and boys. VIEW A-D are shirts. VIEW A has a buttoned cape yoke with pockets. VIEW B has a pleated tuxedo front with wingtip collar. VIEW C has a scalloped yoke. VIEW D has a traditional western yoke with buttoned pockets. VIEWS E-G are girls show blouses with zippers in the back. They are closer fitting and have slightly puffed sleeve caps. Each can bei made with a plain or V-notched stand-up collar. VIEWS F and G give diesign options.

Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel

Die Schnittmusteranleitung ist in Englisch.

Grösse: Kinder 92-176
SFr. 20.00
inkl. MWST zzgl.