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Period Patterns 102

Period Patterns 102

Period Patterns number 102, More Medieval Military Garments, contains patterns for 2 coats of plates, 1 lentner, 1 angel-wing tunic (with or without dags on the sleeves), 3 coifs and 1 gorget.

Padded coifs gave protection to the head, and were necessary for comfort under mail coifs and helmets.  A simple collar or gorget gave additional protection to the neck.  Cuisses were padded thigh pieces, often with plates and metal knee caps attached.  Hose worn while fighting could be padded in places.  Hose ranged from baggy to skintight, dull to wildly colorful.   The angel-wing tunic could also be worn as civilian wear.

Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel

Die Schnittmusteranleitung ist in Englisch.

Grösse = S - XL


SFr. 25.00
inkl. MWST zzgl.