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Indygo Junction Plüschelefanten Yo-Yo Elephant


Instructions and patterns for two adorable elephants. A 25cm tall yo-yo elephant whose body is created with two sizes of yo-yos strung together with thick thread and a stuffed head. Also included in this pattern is a 10 x 25 cm stuffed version with a saddle made from small yo-yos. He makes a fun and functional pin cushion with a safety pin collar. Yo-yo maker templates used were Clover's size small (green), large (orange), and extra-large (yellow).

Schwierigkeitsgrad: einfach

Die Schnittmusteranleitung ist in Englisch mit vielen Bildern.

SFr. 1.00 SFr. 18.00
inkl. MWST zzgl.